教育背景 博士,管理科学与工程,上海大学,2016-2020 硕士,计算机科学与技术,中国矿业大学,2005-2008 学士,计算机科学与技术,中国矿业大学,2001-2005
工作经历 教授,上海理工大学管理学院,2024-至今 博士后,上海理工大学,2020-2023 教师,江苏科技大学,2008-2020 |
科研项目: 1.国家哲学社会科学规划办公室, 国家社会科学基金一般项目, 基于社交媒体‘不实信息’的重大突发传染病事件辅助预警研究(课题编号:21BGL217)2021.10-2024.10, 项目负责人. 2.上海市科学技术委员会, 上海市科技创新行动计划软科学重点项目, 长三角区域降碳减污协同治理发展路径与对策研究(课题编号:22692112200), 2022.01-2023.01, 项目负责人. 科研成果: 1.Yang Ping-Le #, Zhao, Lai-Jun*, Lu Zhi, Zhou Li-Xin, Meng Fan-Yuan, Qian Ying. A new community-based algorithm based on a “peak-slope-valley” structure for influence maximization on social networks[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023, 173: 113720. (SCI) ISSN = {0960-0779}, WOS:001038301100001
2.Yang Ping-Le#, Meng Fan-Yuan, Zhao Lai-Jun*, et al. AOGC: An improved gravity centrality based on an adaptive truncation radius and omni-channel paths for identifying key nodes in complex networks[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023, 166: 112974. (SCI) ISSN = {0960-0779}, WOS:000992452300001
3.Yang Ping-Le#, Zhao Lai-Jun*, Dong Chen, Xu Gui-Qiong, and Zhou Li-Xin. AIGCrank: A new adaptive algorithm for identifying a set of influential spreaders in complex networks based on gravity centrality[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2023, 32, 058901. (SCI) ISSN = {1674-1056}, WOS:000987086700001
4.Yang Ping-Le#, Yi Hong-Ru, Zhao Lai-Jun*, and Chen Lu-Ping. A two-stage hybrid model for determining the scopes and priorities of air pollution control [J]. Atmosphere, 2023, 14(5), 891. (SCI) EISSN = {2073-4433}, WOS:000994379200001
5.Yang Ping-Le #, Xu Gui-Qiong*, Yu Qin, and Guo Jia-Wen. An adaptive heuristic clustering algorithm for influence maximization in complex networks[J]. Chaos. 2020, 30(09): 093106. (SCI) ISSN = {1054-1500}, WOS:000568823200006
6.Yang Ping-Le#, Liu Xin, and Xu Gui-Qiong*. An extended clustering method using H-index and minimum distance for searching multiple key spreaders[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2019, 30(07): 1940008. (SSCI/SCI) WOS:000481900000009
7.Yang Ping-Le#, Liu Xin, Xu Gui-Qiong*. A dynamic weighted TOPSIS method for identifying influential nodes in complex networks[J]. Modern Physics Letters B. 2018;32(19), 1850216. (SSCI/SCI) WOS:000438224000008
8.Yang Ping-Le#, Xu Gui-Qiong*, Chen Hui-Ping. Multi-attribute ranking method for identifying key nodes in complex networks based on GRA[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2018;32(32), 1850363. (SSCI/SCI) WOS:000457239100012 |
【填写学术活动与社会服务】 |
1.江苏科技大学, 荣获江苏科技大学2015-2016学年教学优秀奖荣誉称号, 2016. 2.江苏科技大学, 荣获江苏科技大学2013-2014学年优秀教师荣誉称号, 2014. 3.江苏科技大学, 荣获江苏科技大学2010-2011学年优秀教师荣誉称号, 2011. |